Mukacheve Birth Records

This is a collection of Mukacheve Jewish birth records. It is far from complete, but the records are usually unobtainable by researchers. Some of the Jewish records were in the civil registration books, so some records indexed are not Jewish.

Why This Collection

In the summer of 2012, Banai Feldstein took her first heritage trip to Eastern Europe. While visiting Uzhhorod, Ukraine, she gained access to the Archive and photographed pages from the Mukacheve Jewish birth records to help with her research. For the most part, she photographed entire pages, thus having access to many additional records.

Indexing Notes

  • These records were generally easy to index.
  • The surname search uses the father’s surname. The child’s surname was not specified separately.
  • One page in one book (of those photographed) was bound out of order. Mother’s names are not listed for those records.
  • Difficulties in indexing may have come from the handwriting and the tight binding of the pages.
  • The records are in two languages. The switch from Hungarian to Czech was not even noticed at the time of digitizing. This, among other things, provides for multiple spellings of names in the database.


  • Size of database: 1168 entries
  • Digitized: 2012, by hand-held camera


Abraham Rozenthal (penultimate record), Banai's grandfather, Civil Registration sample
Abraham Rozenthal (penultimate record), Banai’s grandfather, Civil Registration sample
David Alter Rosenthal (fourth from top), Jewish Registration sample
David Alter Rosenthal (fourth from top), Jewish Registration sample